Goldenrod Shino Vase with Blue Glaze Accents


A video showcasing the Goldenrod Shino Vase with Blue Accents in various perspectives, allowing for a more comprehensive and overall look.


Goldenrod Shino Vase
with Blue Glaze Accents

When I mold clay, I dance with creativity, refusing the mundane. My pottery is a canvas where I paint my soul’s whispers. Each piece, a secret shared between me and the universe.

This vase, my muse, stands tall—its projections a testament to my rebellion against convention. Goldenrod Shino glaze wraps around it like a warm embrace, capturing sunlight in liquid amber. But wait, there’s mischief: blue glaze tiptoes along the piece, teasing the eye, daring it to linger.

Perhaps this vase isn’t for everyone; that’s the magic. It’s my whispered secret, my playful dance with clay. And as I hold it, I know—I’ve created joy, not just a vessel.

I hope my pottery will continue to be a symphony of uniqueness, echoing through time.

Height: approximately 8”
Width (at opening): approximately 3"
Max width: approximately 6”

The work is all handmade and the approximate measurements are reflective of that.


In the heart of quaint Essex Junction, a skilled potter named MFCarter works magic in clay. His pots, wondrous and fanciful, have enchanted collectors and art lovers worldwide.


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